
My Touring Bycicle

I got my touring bike in the charming little bike shop in Tübingen. After some research on the net I recognized it must be a touring bike. And I set to the default, which now is already common on travel cyclists, although there are of course a lot of individual differences. So it had to be the Rohloff gear hub because it is low-maintenance and I am not a chain-fix-specialist. In addition, still Ortlieb bags, very good brakes and a hub recharger.

Further luxury I tried largely to avoid. Some still take their MP3 player and a tent and more clothes and maybe even more beer, caviar and champagne with them. I can do it without a tent, thanks to CouchSurfing, and a few hostels/hotels. I want to be a little bit with civilization . Okay, this is still a bit of luxury. But I’m just not a hippie who wants to disappear from the world somehow, I want to be in the world, not out of it.


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